Thursday 30 December 2010

Panic Stations!

Well it is a long time since I wrote anything here! The presentation did not go well - mitigating circumstances affected the content and my performance (this included delays in transport) - and I was very disappointed with myself.
I have continued researching but have expanded my research to include acoustics - this will be vital if I wish to seriously consider designing something that will look good and also reduce the amount of noise bouncing around hard walls and floors in restaurants. The books that I am using for research are mainly about the science involved in ‘room acoustics’ so I do not understand the equations, but I am following the basics of the text. The two most promising books that I found in the University library were Room Acoustics, by Heinrich Kuttruff, and Acoustics and Noise Control, by B J Smith, R J Peters and Stephanie Owen.
At the same time I am continuing with my research into the history of applying decorative surfaces to interior walls and alternative methods of applying my designs to surfaces. I am also still working on converting my design into a knitting pattern (and knitting it at the same time), cross-stitching the same design onto ‘aida’ and I have also experimented with 3d applique! I really need to get as much research done as possible, soon, so I can think about how I would design my unobtrusive wall application that is able to absorb sound and write a report of how it all works together.

Submission for this module is 25th January so I am running out of time!

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