Monday 15 August 2011


Well I have been busy working on painting stencils and sweeties all weekend, and it looks as though I may be doing the same for the rest of the week! Progress is very slow due to a combination of a) quantity of things that need doing b) waiting for layers of paint to dry. I had hoped to go to the Print Workshop on campus and get some screen printing done, but at this moment my hopes are fading fast.

I went in to uni last Wednesday to collect my ‘Squares’ stencils but… I hadn’t allowed enough support within the design and it looks more like a retro form of decorative hanging rather than a functional stencil!

Anyway, Julian has gone on holiday this week, but I did manage to re-draw my stencil and get it to Julian in time for him to cut it before going on holiday – phew! The new stencil has 4 joints instead of only one; this will keep each of the squares in place. So I will pick that up on Wednesday when I go in for the next Exhibition meeting.

I have now made a final decision on the base for the sweetie lamp, after a great deal of thinking about it – I hadn’t been happy with how I had been planning to lay the sweeties out, everything had seemed too heavy. The new layout has only three colours and is much simpler in shape…

The sweeties will form a spiral when they have been properly joined, which will be at the same time that it is wired up. Once it has been wired up I will take it into the Athena Building at uni to have it PAT tested. It makes sense to have done this before adding a lampshade.

The sweetie table, which I am making for the AD11 exhibition, is coming along slowly. I now have a table top, which has been reduced in size to 600mm across. The original had been 750mm across and it was far too wide and liable to get knocked over. I have been trying to work out how to create a base to the pedestal of the table, which is wide enough to avoid imbalance…

So, this is how I will put the pedestal together… obviously I need to get on with filling, sanding and painting in the meantime or it will never be finished! So I think that is enough writing and time to get busy with the paint brush…

p.s. only managed to change one item to red on the panic list so far!!!!

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